Sugarlolo Clear Cola

The South Korean food tech company Intake Co. has been developing and selling healthy foods based on lab science since 2013. Among else they sell plant-based substitutes for eggs and meat. Intake...

Buzz Cola

Buzz Cola is a popular soft drink in the American animated sitcom The Simpsons. The show is a satirical depiction of American life build around a dysfunctional family consisting of Marge and...

Cadre Cola

It hits the spot! is the catchphrase of the fictious soft drink Cadre Cola featured in the 1987 film The Running Man starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. The film takes place in a future...

Speed Cola

In the video game franchise Call of duty players can buy a Speed Cola in exchange of 3,000 points. Drinking a Speed Cola makes the player able to reload weapons much faster...


Frescolita was launched in 1956 by the company Hit de Venezuela in an attempt to take market shares from Coca-Cola who dominated the soft drink market. As with everywhere else Coca-Cola is...


Fallout is a series of video games taking place in North America years after a nuclear war has destroyed most of the World. The first game in the series takes place in...


This soft drink really does not belong on this site or in my collection as it is not made with kola. In Algeria, however, the drink competes with colas over market shares....