Mineralvandsfabrikken Frem was founded in Ribe in 1949 by Egon Adelhardt who produced a variety of traditional carbonated soft drinks. In 1978 the company was passed on to his two sons, Egon...
Count Cola is a defunct cola from Australia. It was manufactured in the 1970s and 1980s by Ben’s Beverage Company Pty Limited from Bendigo, near Melbourne. In 1980 the company registered Count...
Las Cola is a Danish classic known by most 35+ year olds from kids birthdays in the 80s and 90s. Saltum produced a line of low price soft drinks available in various...
BIG was a line of soft drinks produced by FDB (now COOP) which owned a number of supermarket chains in Denmark. The BIG line was produced in the 1990s and early 2000s....
These cute looking colas were produced in Denmark around 2015-2018 by Falengreen who produces private label soft drinks. They where available for at short period of time when the animated movies Minions...
Luma Cola was produced by Californian Luma Soda in San Francisco in 2017-2019. The Luma sodas where sweetened solely with monk fruit and honey. Apparently it was too much of an acquired...
Regnbuevand was a Danish brand of sodas in various flavours. It was a private label by the Danish supermarket chain Brugsen and produced by the Danish beverage company Harboes. The private label...
EGO Cola was an organic cola branded as a high quality soft drink and exclusively sold in bars and restaurants. It was produced by the Danish beverage company Harboes. The EGO Cola...
Al-Aqsa Cola was a short lived cola from Denmark in 2003. The idea for the cola came from a Danish-born Palestinian with inspiration from Mecca Cola and Qibla Cola. The production seized...
The London based Ubuntu Cola was the first Faritrade labelled cola in the UK. It was produced from 2007 to 2019 by The Ubuntu Trading Company Ltd. The company was dissolved in...