Las Cola is a Danish classic known by most 35+ year olds from kids birthdays in the 80s and 90s. Saltum produced a line of low price soft drinks available in various supermarkets.
Up until til 1990s there was a vast variety of soft drink manufactures in Denmark. Over time they lost terrain to especially Coca-Cola as soft drinks in general got cheaper. The market for low price soft drinks pretty much perished in the early 2000s. Saltum gave up its production in 2007 and was the last “soft drinks-only” manufacturer left in Denmark.
The Spanish sounding “Las Cola” actually derives from the family name Larsen – the name of the family who founded Saltum in 1923 and owned it until it was shut down in 2007.

In Kenneth’s collection
250 ml bottle (exp. July 31, 2003).
250 ml bottle w. strawberry flavour (exp. June 27, 2003).