Dr. Tima Honey Kola was a shortlived American cola in the years 2008-2009. Information about the cola and the company is scarce on the Interweb, however, a couple of product reviews can be found – all from 2009.

The picture is from 2009 and stolen from bunnyears.net.
The company behind Dr. Tima was D&C Natural Products, Inc., based in Beverly Hills, California. They manufactured four different soft drinks, e.g. cola and root beer, which where all sweetened with honey.
In 2008 they had the website drtima.com with only very little information. The site was taken down in 2009. According to the US Patent and Trademark Office the company logo was registered as a trademark in 2008 but already abandoned in 2010. The company’s catchphrase “A Bee In Every Bottle” was trademarked as early as 1998 and abandoned in 2011.