Laiko Cola

Maroccan OJO Industries launched a range of soft drinks in 2017. The primary markets are Marocco and Maroccan societies abroad. The strategy is to take shares from the market leaders Coca-Cola and...


Fallout is a series of video games taking place in North America years after a nuclear war has destroyed most of the World. The first game in the series takes place in...

Luma Cola

Luma Cola was produced by Californian Luma Soda in San Francisco in 2017-2019. The Luma sodas where sweetened solely with monk fruit and honey. Apparently it was too much of an acquired...


Regnbuevand was a Danish brand of sodas in various flavours. It was a private label by the Danish supermarket chain Brugsen and produced by the Danish beverage company Harboes. The private label...

Al-Aqsa Cola

Al-Aqsa Cola was a short lived cola from Denmark in 2003. The idea for the cola came from a Danish-born Palestinian with inspiration from Mecca Cola and Qibla Cola. The production seized...