Mineralvandsfabrikken Frem was founded in Ribe in 1949 by Egon Adelhardt who produced a variety of traditional carbonated soft drinks. In 1978 the company was passed on to his two sons, Egon jr. and Palle, and later the youngest son, Søren, also joined.
As none in the third generation wished to continue the family company, Frem was sold in 2016 to another Danish family company, Bryggeriet Fuglsang. Fuglsang is a brewery and soft drink manufacturer, and after the purchase of Frem, it continued producing both soft drink brands.
May 2021 became the end, however, for both Frem Cola and Fuglsang Cola as the brewery Fuglsang was purchased by Royal Unibrew, a Danish company that runs several breweries. Royal Unibrew also has the rights to make and distribute Pepsi in Denmark and does not wish internal competition with their own flagship brand.

In Kenneth’s collection
- A 250 ml bottle (exp. August 9, 2003), purchased 2018 from a collector
- A 250 ml bottle (exp. July 2, 2016) + 1 for sale or trade